Hello Comic Book Fandom,
In spite of all the election news going on today, I thought this would fit perfectly:
With that note, lets get to this weeks top ten comic books that have to be on your pull list…..

- Marvel NOW! starts now!
- Mr. Wilson will get a fresh new number one issue and in addition will get a new creative team such as comedians Brian Posehn & Gerry Duggan writing and Tony Moore (The Walking Dead #1-6) handling art duties!
- This team’s new story arc will have President zombies?! Sign me up.

- This isn’t comic book related per-say but available now is the new set of The Walking Dead TV second series figures from Spawn Toys. The new series will have Deputy Rick Grimes, Shane Walsh, Bicycle Girl Zombie, Well Zombie, and RV Zombie.
- If you want more info click here: Spawn Toys or ask your local comic shop.

- As most of you know by know, I am a huge fan of writer Justin Jordan and highly recommend his work, especially The Strange Talents of Luther Strode.
- But the spotlight would have to go to artist Patrick Zircher! His preview pages are ridiculous and I can’t wait to check out the full comic later today.
- This is a relaunch of a classic Valiant Comic from the 90’s. It will focus on Jack Boniface, who will have to embrace the legacy he is known (Shadowman) for to battle foes that land on his home-turf.
- You can expect lots of monsters, blood and utility belt action!

- Its been a bad year for Buddy Baker and it’s only going to get worse. The rot has taken over and his families live’s are (were?) at stake.
- Rotworld part two continues here!

- If you’re reading Animal Man, then you must be reading Swamp Thing as well. These books are self-contained but read well together!
- I am really happy Yanick Paquette is back on art, his layouts and detailed work is absolutely beautiful but terrifying at the same time.

- Jiminy Crickets that cover is unsettling……

- If John Layman is writing then you can count me in.
- The Penguin saved Bruce Wayne’s life, this is after putting a hit out on him, and now the Dark Knight gets tangled up with Poison Ivy.
- Lastly, Batman will even get to face one of his greatest foes!

- The Rise of The Third Army continues here!
- The Justice League are after Simon Baz, newly appointed Green Lantern, and they want answers on the disappearance of Hal Jordan.

- Marvel NOW! starts now.
- “His greatest invention becomes his greatest mistake. Iron Man must act fast and Tony Stark must build faster! The lethal techno virus Extremis is out in the wild and out for grabs to the highest bidder!”
- Perfect jumping on point for new readers!

- Writer Garth Ennis is pretty much the only reason to pick this up. His Battlefield stories are amazing and they are action-packed and moving.
- Battlefield comics have been pretty much the best military comics coming out today, focusing on different aspects of WWII.
Lover of Comic books, film, television, fresca and video games. Check out my blog dweebofthedead.tumblr.com to see what kind of shenanigans I got going on, or check out my twitter for up to date ramblings @dweebofthedead.
Email: chuckie.valdez@geeknewsnetwork.net