Costume Resources: The Price We Pay

Right now is a great time to be a costumer. For the first time, probably ever, costuming resources are at their best. Forces like...
anime expo 2016

ANIME EXPO 2016 welcomes its cosplay guests!

Joshua Hart is the costume designer, fashion designer, model, and commissioner behind J.Hart Design, a brand which he has created to showcase his award-winning...

The Fan Voice Cosplay Spotlight: Lunar Lyn (Mini Documentary)

The Fan Voice's first Cosplay Spotlight shines on Lunar Lyn. A cosplayer full of passion, joy and a mass of intricate skill. She is constantly...

Hasbro and Marvel Make Cosplay for Everyone

I was 14 when I first started cosplaying. Doing some math, that puts us in the year 2005. In 2005, at least in Phoenix, it...

Comikaze Expo 2015 from a Cosplayer’s Perspective

  Every year, thousands and thousands of fans head to Stan Lee's Comikaze Expo for a plethora of reasons. No matter where you turn, you...
Tracer cosplay

Featured Cosplayer | Stacey Roy

Welcome back to the Geek News Network’s Featured Cosplayer page! This is where we introduce you to cosplayers that you should know about. This week,...

Featured Cosplayer | Lyz Brickley & Darshelle Stevens

Welcome back to the Geek News Network’s Featured Cosplayer page! This is where we introduce you to cosplayers that you should know about. This week,...

The Cost of Custom Cosplay: Where Does the Money Go?

So you're interested in getting yourself a custom cosplay from a seamstress or costume maker, but the cost they quoted you had you mildly nauseous?

TeeDee’s Tips for Cosplay Competition

So you're thinking about entering into a convention's costume/cosplay contest, huh? Good for you! That takes guts, and it can be very intimidating for...

Featured Cosplayer | Kristen Lanae

Welcome back to the Geek News Network’s Featured Cosplayer page! This is where, once a week, we introduce you to cosplayers that you should...

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