Killing Them (Not So) Softly | AC Syndicate Review
Since Nov 13, 2007 I have been an Assassins Creed fan. The first time I went through the original Assassins Creed, I hated it....
Sandra Bullock and Billy Bob Thornton have been in a number of exceptional films. From The Blind Side to Monster’s Ball, if one of...
BURNT | Movie Review
There’s something appealing about redemption films. Those films where a former hot-shot in whatever situation has fallen to the bottom before a narrative impetus...
Return to Rock | Guitar Hero Live Review
If we turn back the clock to the late 00’s (between 2005-2010) you would be hard pressed to find someone who hadn’t been caught...
Have you ever had a moment in your life where you wished you lived forever? I know I have. In the new Breck Eisner...
ROCK THE KASBAH | Movie Review
You probably know his films but you may not know the man who made them. Barry Levinson has been working as a Hollywood director...
ROOM | Movie Review
It's not often apparent how much we take for granted the little things in life. We may be in a hurry for some obligation or...
VICTORIA | Movie Review
I'm sure most of us have found ourselves either moving to a new city or state because of work or our parents made the...
The Circle Is Now Complete | Rise of the Empire Play Set Review
It seems Disney Infinity 3.0 Edition is intent on raising the bar with each new Play Set. When I popped the Death Star Play...
See You on the Battlefront! | Star Wars Battlefront Beta Impressions
In the last few months of 2015 there were two franchises that sought to make a comeback after over a decade of (relative) silence. I am...