12 Pack: Priceless Bullshit

It's time for a weekly nerd news roundup! It's time to crack open another 12 PACK! In this episode of the 12-Pack: "Priceless Bullshit"... -Tony Stark...

The Drums Behind Hans Zimmer’s ‘Man of Steel’ Score

I hate to use this term, but I geeked out so hard during this behind-the-scenes video of Hans Zimmer’s score for “Man of Steel.”...

Completely Terrifying ‘The Last of Us’ Cosplay

I’m not going to lie, if I were to see this thing at a comic-con, I would quickly seek out a pipe, tape some...

IMAX and Odd City Reveal Their Awesome ‘Pacific Rim’ Posters

Guillermo del Toro's soon-to-be-released film, "Pacific Rim," just got two awesome posters today from IMAX and Odd City Entertainmwent. First up is an IMAX...

Deadpool Gameplay Launch Trailer

Deadpool, the long-awaited feature gaming debut of Marvel's "Merc with a Mouth" debuts tomorrow for Xbox 360, Playstation 3 and PC. IGN has debuted...

Project Spark Beta Announced

Project Spark, the create your own game...game, that was announced as a free-to-play digital-only Xbox One launch title at E3 is going into beta,...

‘Maniac’ Drop: First Six Minutes, Behind-the-Scenes Videos, Photos and More!

The 1980 “Maniac” film is still, to this day, one of my all-time favorite slash flicks. So, when I first heard they were going...

First Look: Tony Moore’s Awesome ‘V/H/S/2’ Poster!

Tony Moore, who is most famously known for co-creating and drawing the first six issues of “The Walking Dead,” really knows how to get...

An Interview With Napoleon Smith III, Executive Producer of TMNT [2014]

Tempe, AZ - Ninja Turtles on the Green Carpet is hosting a special screening of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: Secret of the Ooze coming...

Teaser Trailer For Stephen King’s ‘The Shining’ Sequel, ‘Doctor Sleep’

This just in! Stephen King’s sequel to “The Shining,” “Doctor Sleep,” just got a new teaser trailer! "Doctor Sleep" is slated to hit shelves...

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