The Mega Men Podcast

The Mega Men Podcast was created by childhood buddies Christopher and Matt in September, 2012. Though this is their first official podcast program, the two have worked extensively with one another on the now debunked The Geek Jock Podcast (2011). The show emphasizes silliness, pop-culture and a general love for combative arguing over the idiosyncrasies of existence. An average episode runs between 20-40 minutes. Christopher and Matt are both college graduates of Arizona State University where they studied Film. Between them, they have produced, written and directed over 20 film shorts, many of which have gone on to film festivals. They both moved to Los Angeles in hopes of breaking into the cinema industry they love so much. The Mega Man Podcast is an appropriate and dedicated piece of their career puzzles.

If you’d like to CONTACT either Christopher or Matt, send an e-mail to:

The Mega Men Podcast #52: He’s On Fire!

Matt and Chris discuss the impossible "singles" bar scene, Space Jam 2, why Looney Tunes are awesome, why film and TV have switched power...

The Mega Men Podcast #51: How The Mega Men Lost Their Virginity

Chris and Matt discuss the differences between Valentine's as an adult and as a child, how each lost their virginity, futuristic ping-pong mechs, Little...

The Mega Men Podcast #50: The Butler is the Real Villain

Matt and Chris talk about what fans want from Nintendo, Spider-Man 3, how Batman became "Hot Topic", The Donkey Kong Rap and more! You can...

The Mega Men Podcast #49: Monkeys with Chemical Cameras

Chris and Matt talk about the end of the world, the fantastic book "The Road", our inner animal selves, why scientists are crazy, what...

The Mega Men Podcast #48: Is Katie Holmes Dead?

Matt and Chris discuss why Justin Bieber doesn't matter, classic video game magazines, buying a medical marijuana card in Los Angeles, getting pulled over...

The Mega Men Podcast #47: Yippie-kay-yay, Mr. Falcon

Matt and Chris talk about the Family Guy/Simpsons cross-over episode, the Magic: The Gathering card game movie, why Michael Bay is actually a good...

The Mega Men Podcast #46: The Internet Has Destroyed This Generation

Chris and Matt talk about how they think critics get paid off for their reviews and use Indiana Jones: The Kingdom of the Crystal...

The Mega Men Podcast #45: Hobbits, Dwarves and Mosh Pits

Matt and Chris go in-depth on The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug. They also discuss the recent legalization of recreational marijuana in Colorado and...

The Mega Men Podcast: The End of 2013

Chris and Matt say thanks to their biggest supporters and discuss their Mega Men Podcast plans for 2014 in this "minisode". You can subscribe directly...

The Mega Men Podcast #44: YIPPEE!

Matt and Chris talk about the strange traditions of Christmas and rank the best/worst Christmas films of all time. You can subscribe directly through iTunes: or...

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