“Inhumanity #1” Comic Review

Matt Fraction and Olivier Coipel’s Inhumanity #1 might as well be called, “Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Inhumans But Were Afraid to...

3DG EPISODE 43: Set Phasers to Fun!

In this very special episode of 3DG, James, Neil, and Grover are proud to present an interview with "Dr Trek" himself... Larry Nemecek! Larry...

“Amazing X-Men #1” Comic Review

YES! He is back! It was only a matter of time before they brought our lovable furry blue elf back. In Amazing X-men's 1st...

“X-Men #7” Comic Review

Battle of the Atom is over and Brian Wood's X-Men can happily move on to a brand new arc, though there's still some baggage...

“Batwoman #25” Comic Review

Even before its release, I knew that Batwoman #25 would not be the issue to judge new series writer Marc Andreyko by. This issue...

“Harley Quinn #0” Comic Review

Harley Quinn #0 is one of the nuttiest comics I’ve ever read. It’s a massive fourth-wall breaking extravaganza bulging at the seams with in-jokes...

“Batman #25” Comic Review

Batman #25 is another well-crafted chapter of the best narrative DC is currently putting out on the stands, but I'd be lying if I...

“Forever Evil #3” Comic Review

Like the two issues that came before it, Forever Evil #3’s irrefutable strength is in the largely Lex Luthor-centered narrative at its core. Despite...

“Unity #1” Comic Review

Valiant has been touting Unity #1 not only as a menagerie of its popular characters brought together under one title, but as a one...

“Batgirl #25” Comic Review

Being a one-off issue inserted in the midst of the “Batgirl: Wanted!” storyline is the biggest detriment to Batgirl #25, of which there are...

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