“Batman/Superman #5” Comic Review

Greg Pak’s Batman/Superman has been weird but highly enjoyable right from the start but this issue is weird in a bad way. With Batman/Superman...

“Earth 2 #17” Comic Review

Jumping onto Earth 2 with this issue might seem like an odd choice, but that’s exactly what I did. After all, new series writer...

CFG Podcast #3 Animated Fantasies

  Comicfreaks & Geeks proudly bring to you podcast #3 Animated Fantasies!  We talk about the latest news, discuss upcoming comics, and pitch our ideas...

Tucson Comic-Con: An Afternoon Not So Far, Far Away

It wasn't until I saw someone taking a picture with Han Solo that I knew I had arrived at Tucson Comic Con. After all,...

“Captain Ultimate #4” Digital Comic Review

Halloween is often a showcase for the macabre and the grotesque, but Captain Ultimate #4 presents something far scarier: stolen Halloween candy! This trick-or-treat...

“X-Men Battle of the Atom #2” Comic Review

Battle of the Atom is over and it’s going out not with a bang or a whimper, but a heavy sigh. Writer Jason Aaron...

“Steampunk Originals Volume 1” Graphic Novel Review

Steampunk is a vast subset of popular culture with an untapped potential to tell an endless steam of inventive narrative and visually arresting stories....

“Wolverine and the X-Men #37” Comic Review

Wolverine and the X-Men #37 features four versions of Iceman fighting one another and I didn’t even bat an eye. Call it fatigue but...

“Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #28” Comic Review

A lot is left hanging in the balance at the end of Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #28, which marks the end of the series in...

“Pretty Deadly #1” Comic Review

  Pretty Deadly is a brand-new series from Image comics, and in this day and age, that means it is automatically worth looking at. Add...

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