10 Comic Books to Buy This Week: 07/04/12
Animal Man #11
All hell broke loose in Buddy Baker’s life and it only seems to be getting worse. We are only one issue away...
“Night of the Living Deadpool #4” Comic Review
Night of the Living Deadpool has been one odd book, both in terms of its content matter and the consistence of its quality. While...
Forever Evil #2 Review
Forever Evil #2 is here to remind us that while Villains Month might have come to a close, the bleakness of a DC Universe...
Guy Adams’ Novel “Deadbeat” is Missing Something: Class?
Ah, the dreaded negative review. Here's the downside of my job, because honestly they are a struggle to write. I wanted to enjoy Guy...
“Batman Noir” Comic Review
When the lead name on a title is the artist’s, I think that it's pretty certain the work is going to be fairly well...
“Harley Quinn #2” Comic Review
It’s still in its infancy but Amanda Connor and Jimmy Palmiotti’s Harley Quinn series looks like it’s going to blossom into a special kind...
Cobra Snake and the Monster Known as Hyde
The strange tag team of COBRA and MR HYDE was first introduced in Journey Into Mystery# 105. They did not seem to fit together,...
“X-Men #6” Comic Review
Just when I thought the X-Men “Battle of the Atom” event was reaching stagnancy, here comes Brian Wood’s X-Men #6 to send the crossover...
“Batman: Eternal #1” Comic Review
There is a part of me that’s glad Batman: Eternal #1 isn’t the mind-blowing first issue that I was hoping it would be. It’s...
“Alien – Out Of The Shadows” Book Review
There are two ways of viewing the universe. One is from afar, peering through a telescope and seeing all the beauty and wonder of...