Comics Reviews for July 9, 2014
Review by John Dubrawa
It's only two issues in so far but Cullen Bunn's The Empty Man is horror...
A Joker Awakened: An Interview with Author and Impractical Joker James Murray
Check out our interview with Impractical Joker and author James Murray as well as a short review of his Awakened trilogy, the 3rd book releasing on the 23rd of June.
“Punk Rock Jesus” Comic Review
Murphy is probably best known for his artistic endeavors on titles like American Vampire and the recently released (and thoroughly intriguing) The Wake. Apparently...
Seasons Readings: What to Buy the Geeky Book Lover on Your Holiday Shopping List
`Tis the season to buy a book for that nerd or geek in your life! Let GNN help you pick the right one with this holiday gift guide!
KING | A New Comic Series to Rule Them All
From the writer of THE BUNKER and the artists of GREEN LANTERN CORPS and BATMAN BEYOND, KING is an action/comedy about the last man...
Stephen King’s Joyland: Death And Rebirth Of A Champion
My fondest memories from childhood are those spent late at night with a flashlight in hand. Whether under the covers in my room ruining...
The Flash 23.1: Grodd
The Flash: It could arguably be said that he is one of the most underrated founding members of the Justice League. He is not...
The Forever Girl
Author: Rebecca Hamilton.
This novel is about a young girl named Sophia, and how she struggled with her curse. What started off as a hum...
Saga #14 Review
Consider the plot of Saga #14 ancillary--it’s just writer Brian K. Vaughan moving pieces around the board, getting characters where they need to be...
Book Review: Earth Unaware (The Ender Saga)
Earth Unaware is a science fiction novel by Orson Scott Card and Aaron Johnston set in the universe of Card’s cash cow, Ender’s Game....