“Fantastic Four #16” Comic Review

Fantastic Four has been a series in need of resuscitation since the departure of original writer Matt Fraction back on issue #12 and while...

“Night of the Living Deadpool #1” Comic Review

In their roles as narrative foils, zombies are wholly uninteresting, save for their use as societal reflections, like in a George A. Romero horror...

“The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys” Comic Series Review

That The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys was conceived as a successor to the high-concept My Chemical Romance album of the same name...

“Action Comics #27” Comic Review

Action Comics is a relatively recent addition to my monthly reading list. Prior to this, the lack of a Superman-centric title in my regular...

“Black Widow #1” Comic Review

The All-New Marvel NOW! initiative has arrived, and with it, Marvel is restarting most of its line of books to a more reader-appealing issue...

“Batwoman #26” Comic Review

You can’t argue the indelible mark former Batwoman co-writers J.H. Williams III and W. Haden Blackman left on the character of Kate Kane, and...

“LOST PLANET: First Colony” Graphic Novel Review

If you’re a fan of the video games, LOST PLANET: First Colony is well worth adding to your collection. This hardcover graphic novel (measuring...

“Forever Evil #4” Comic Review

Judging by its cover, you’d think Forever Evil #4 is all about Lux Luthor and Batman getting into some sort of Rock ‘Em Sock...

“X-Men #8” Comic Review

Brian Wood is gradually building a villainous Sisterhood of mutants that's breathing new life into the stagnant cornucopia of X-Men foes, but I'm afraid...

“Harley Quinn #1” Comic Review

While last month’s introduction to DC’s new Harley Quinn series took readers through a cavalcade of various dream-like scenarios, writers Amanda Connor and Jimmy...

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