“RED DAWN” Review

There is going to be a lot of pre-judgment from purists of the original Red Dawn. You shouldn’t remake a classic, they’ll say. Or,...


If you’re looking for a silver lining in Silver Linings Playbook, the latest from David O. Russel, you won’t have to look far. Silver...

“LIFE OF PI” Review

When I first heard about Life of Pi I thought it was thriller type movie based on a vague association I made with the...

“Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part II” Review

More so than any of the previous four films, Breaking Dawn Part 2 was a VERY stark departure from the book. Plenty of things...

A Look at “The Neighbors”

  Do you like corny jokes? Do you enjoy a little geeky music? Do you like aliens that dress like pro golfers day after day?...

“SKYFALL” Review

I’m going to play a little word association game, much like the one in the trailer and the one you’ll see in the movie. Skyfall:...

“A Late Quartet” Review

“A Late Quartet” opens on an empty stage, where an audience waits expectantly for the concert to begin. The string quartet enters the stage,...

Lucasfilm & Disney: A Minority Opinion

  Alright, I’m going to say it. The Disney buyout of Lucasfilm might not be the worst thing to ever happen. I know, I know. There are a...

Forward Unto Dawn: Overview

Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn was a step up from most web series. To date, this series represented the most money Microsoft has invested in...

Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn — Part V

  Halo: Forward Unto  Dawn has come to a satisfying close. I had some trepidation during the earlier installments of this web series.  A few of...

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