
Newegg Is Giving Away A Custom #Maythe4th Gaming PC

Newegg and Justin Robey, AKA RobeyTech teamed up to create this one-of-kind PC featuring a 3D printed and hand-crafted Kylo Ren face mask case mod that even glows red. Here's how to enter.

BLOODSHOT | Screening Passes Giveaway [PHX/LV]

In anticipation of the upcoming big screen comic adaptation of Bloodshot, Columbia Pictures will be screening the film on Tuesday, March 10th.
fantasy island

Fantasy Island | Passes Giveaway

We’re hosting a giveaway for 1 lucky Phoenix reader and 1 Las Vegas reader to win a pair of tickets to see Fantasy Island during it's theatrical run.
the boys amazon series

Amazon Prime Video’s THE BOYS | Screening Passes [Tempe]

In anticipation of the upcoming Amazon Prime Video series, The Boys, Gofobo will be hosting an advanced screening of the first episode of the new series on April 30th in Tempe, AZ.
the intruder screening

The Intruder | Screening Passes [Tempe & Vegas]

In anticipation of the upcoming thriller, The Intruder, Screen Gems and Sony Pictures will be hosting a screening of the film on April 30th in Tempe, AZ and Las Vegas, NV.
pet semetary

PET SEMATARY | Screening Passes [Phoenix & Vegas]

In anticipation of the upcoming film adaptation of Stephen King's classic horror novel, Pet Sematary, Paramount Pictures and Gofobo will be hosting a screening in Phoenix and Las Vegas.
ralph breaks the internet giveaway

Ralph Breaks The Internet | Blu-ray Combo Pack Giveaway

Courtesy of Walt Disney Studios, we're excited to announce a giveaway for one Blu-ray combo pack copy of Ralph Breaks The Internet!

SPIDER-MAN: INTO THE SPIDER-VERSE | Screening Passes [Phoenix & Vegas] WHAT:  In anticipation of the upcoming animated blockbuster film SPIDER-MAN: INTO THE SPIDER-VERSE, Columbia Pictures in association with Marvel and Sony Pictures Animation will be...

VENOM | Screening Passes [Tempe] WHAT:  In anticipation of the upcoming movie Venom, Sony Pictures will be screening the film on October 3rd in Tempe, AZ at Harkins Tempe...

THE PREDATOR | Screening Passes [Las Vegas]

WHAT:  In anticipation of the upcoming film The Predator, Gofobo will be screening the film on September 10th in Las Vegas, NV at Regal...

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