Chris Pratt dresses as Star-Lord and visits children in hospital

Honestly, if Chris Pratt wasn’t beloved already, this just makes him loved even more. The actor who has taken the box office by storm as the hero Star-Lord from Marvel’s latest film “Guardians of the Galaxy”, doesn’t just play a hero, but, is one in real life. Pratt has been dressing up in full Star-Lord costume that he stole from the set and visiting sick children at the Children’s Hospital in Los Angeles. He has been handing out toys and staying for more than three hours in costume talking to children too sick to get out of bed. Pratt expressed his joy in doing so.

From The Mary Sue:

Pratt paid a special visit to Dylan “Lego Kid” Prunty, and eight-year-old with a mitochondrial disease and a burning love of everything LEGO. Earlier this year the Make-a-Wish Foundation helped him get a LEGO replica of the hospital; he says playing with the toys “distracts from the pain. It’s like the best pain medicine.” This kid is hardcore. So naturally he recognized Pratt’s voice as belonging to Emmet, the main character in The Lego Movie. Then he and Pratt “spent about 10 minutes reciting different scenes from the film.” Here’s a picture of the meeting that’s been winging its way around the Internet:

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