Mass Effect 3: Citadel (Trailer)

ME3 Citadel

The time has finally come to say goodbye to our old friends aboard the Normandy. The final DLC for Mass Effect 3, which subsequently is the final DLC in Commander Shepard’s story, releases tomorrow. I swear I cried a lot didn’t cry at all watching this trailer:



There is just so much to see and to take in with this, I don’t even know where to begin.

New romantic interludes!

Every character and squadmate from the prior games making appearances!!

Watching soap operas with Tali on the couch!!!

This trailer is just so jam-packed with information even after three consecutive viewings…wow. There’s some new enemy that is out gunning for Shepard, while using classic 80’s cliched dialogue. All the fighting ultimately stems from the crew getting some needed shore leave, and Shepard getting an apartment on the Citadel, seemingly Admiral Anderson’s which was mentioned in the Mass Effect novels. All of this fighting will obviously conclude in an epic family photo that will be hung in Shepard’s home for all time.


Main game ending spoiler: I know the DLC doesn’t affect the end of the game, but I would really like a schmaltzy moment aboard the Citadel at the end of the game where Shepard comes across his bombed out, death-infested apartment. Something where he’s just looking up at that picture on the mantle perhaps.
Spoiler ends here

We’ll have a review up on Geek News Network sometime tomorrow with my thoughts on this final outing for the SSV Normandy SR-2.

Mass Effect 3: Citadel will release worldwide on March 5th for Xbox 360, PC and PS3; March 6th on PS3 in Europe. It will cost $14.99, 1200MS points and 1200 BW points, depending where you purchase.


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bioware, Commander Shepard, dlc, Mass Effect 3, ME3, trailer, Urdnot Wrex

"A man of many talents; Joshua is a gamer, writer, Sith Lord in training and a wannabe Time Lord. Assuming the mantle of Director of Gaming for Geek News Network, Joshua has made it his goal to bring the gaming division of GNN forward.

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