

Paintography is a new term coined by the artistic collaborative team of Asa Plum and Michelle Penington. Dreams Gallery in Old Town Scottsdale, Arizona will be featuring Paintography in the gallery. Dreams Gallery is located on the corner of Main Street and Marshall Way and is open Tuesday through Saturday 10 am – 5 pm and by appointment. Dreams Gallery is a featured gallery during the weekly Thursday evening Art Walks (7 pm-9 pm).

Asa Plum has found his voice in richly contrasted black and white photography. He grew up in Iowa, and studied architecture at Iowa State University. His dad is a retired carpenter and now enjoys writing poetry. His mom is a watercolor artist.

Michelle Penington grew up in Southern California and now splits her time between her home in California and sunny Cave Creek Arizona. Michelle Penington started drawing and painting at a very young age. She attended Houston University, studying Psychology and has been painting professional for 15 years. Her tones are muted, subtly bringing out the emotionally based story in her paintings.

Asa and Michelle met through friends, and as artists, had an instant artistic connection.

Asa and Michelle both share a comprehensive knowledge for architecture and a discerning eye for light and shadow.

Asa and Michelle’s exclusive collaboration began a few months ago. Asa takes black and white photos, prints onto canvas, Michelle tells her story with oil paint directly on the canvas. The finished artwork tells two different stories.

Michelle is always looking ahead to the future, while Asa attempts to keep her grounded and offers a realistic view of the moment. Asa’s motto is “Learn patience and let things unfold in their own time.”

Asa and Michelle both enjoy the natural beauty Arizona has to offer, but both artists are excited to travel and explore other locations. First they will explore artistic opportunities in Arizona, then travel to their individual home towns. They are hoping to tour the US and they are anticipating national gallery representation.

Follow their collaborative journey at

Article written by writer, poet, and mixed media artist Judy Wood.


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art, Asa Plum, blog, canvas, Michelle Penington, oil painting, painting, paintography

Geek? Nerd? Rock Star Mom? I’m not really sure which title fits me best. I’m an artist and poet. I have two blogs. I don’t read comic books. I have a good eye for composition. I know some artists that will be famous one day. My oldest son (Big Chris) is an amazing artist! My youngest son is a Punk Rock Star (Jeremy Wood, bassist for Authority Zero). I am very social and I like to interview cool people, so I write a few stories for GNN. Who wouldn’t want to be included with such a cool/geeky/nerdy group of people, right? Judy Wood, poet, artist, writer for GNN.

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