As we all know, Watch_Dogs was originally supposed to launch during the holidays in 2013. Then there came the heartbreaking announcement that Ubisoft would be pushing off the launch date until the following year. Since then we have been patiently waiting for the official, finalized release date of one of the most anticipated games since E3 2012. Well, geeks and geekettes, it’s finally here: Watch_Dogs will be coming to PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, and> Xbox One on May 27th, 2014. If you were hoping for the Wii U version, however, you still need to wait a while longer.
Ubisoft has been hard at work perfecting their new masterpiece in order to bring us the best game they could possibly give us. Of course this meant postponing the original launch date, unless they wanted to cut corners and rush it. In an interview with Polygon, Watch_Dogs senior producer Dominic Guay stated, “We could have cut corner to save time. We didn’t want to and neither did Ubisoft, which was kind of a blessing. Everyone stuck by the original mandate.”
Instead, they have been polishing the game and combing through every single thread of that game and they feel confident they will make their new launch date in May.
We can also feel assured that the game will remain similar across all platforms. The storyline, gameplay, and mechanics will have similarities no matter what platform you choose to buy the game for. The main difference you will see, according to Guay, will be the graphics. This, however, is to be expected.
Along with this announcement comes a new, juicy trailer detailing more of the Aiden’s story in the game with movie-like elements. You definitely can’t deny this particular trailer just gave you chills. Check it out below courtesy of IGN:
So which platform will you be getting the game for? Let us know in the comments below!
Nichole "Itty Bitty Geek" Nance is a cosplayer, blogger, full-time college student, and GNN's Editor-in-Chief. In her free time, she manages her personal blog "Itty Bitty Geek" where she gives updates on her costumes and other life adventures. You can follow Nichole on all of her social media sites under Itty Bitty Geek, or check out her blog at: