I really liked this book! From the first page, to the last, I was captivated. A huge fan of house haunting books, this one did not disappoint. Reading the Author’s Note sparked an even greater interest to read this book. David L. Golemon explains how, despite his disbelief in the supernatural, he visited a house he only spent two minutes in, that the realtor wouldn’t even step inside of it, so heavy was the presence of the house felt. The house did like visitors. Attempting to describe how he felt in this house by bringing it into his story was his goal. Knowing this, made me focus a little more on the personality of the house.
Dabbling in film production myself, I really enjoyed the dynamics set up between the executives versus the supernatural group, as well as the character relationships within these groups. At first, realizing the entire story wouldn’t take place directly inside of the house had me disappointed, but I had nothing to fear. David L. Golemon did a wonderful job bringing the house to life outside of its domain.
Reminded of stories such as Stephen King’s Rose Red and Mark Z. Danielewski’s House of Leaves didn’t take away from it. I was actually thrown off when the author refers to The Haunting of Hill House in the book. I actually hadn’t really been thinking of the other stories until then. In the book, the house, along with many stories of disappearances and untimely deaths, is explained as the one this famous story was based on of. Because of the enjoyment I had reading the Supernaturals, I plan to go back and re-read (or maybe watch) these others. I forgot how much I love a good haunting story! Especially one with such a clever twist!
I’d definitely recommend this book to anyone who likes a good ghost story. Beyond the ghost telling, it was still a great story. Anyone who enjoys a well written story would like this book.
My first, and greatest love was always books, which turned into writing early on. Then came movies. Games didn’t enter my life until PS2 came out. I tend to stay away from games as they suck my world into oblivion. I stop sleeping. I stop paying attention to everything else when I get into them, though I break this for Mass Effect, Assassins Creed, Gears, and FF. Recently entering the amateur indie film scene, Stealing Shade Productions (stealingshade.com) was born. I’m also working on a comic book (stealingshade.indieaisle.com) and 2 novels. There are bets on whether these will get finished Find me on Facebook @facebook.com/StealingShadeProductions or check out my alter ego at shutthehealthup.wordpress.com.