“Wanderer” Book Review

WandererCoverJames Lincoln broke into the book-writing scene with this little gem, simply titled Wanderer.

Wanderer follows a young man who has locked himself away from the virus-decimated world, retreating instead into his barricaded home, with only his dog Mandy for company. While most of the world’s population was wiped out by this unknown virus, there are some survivors, and some “infected” folk. When tragedy strikes, the man is forced to leave the safe world he’s created, and venture out into the cruel, cold world. Can’t really say much more about the story, without risking spoilers!

Hitting up the trendy zombie-niche for inspiration, what could have been just another throw-away instead turned out to be a moving story. The biggest oddity is the complete lack of dialog. It makes absolute sense given the story and characters, but it is a bit unusual to see. For me, though, it only added to the emotion already in the story. Wanderer builds up slowly, and then you’re in for a heck of a ride as things go from bad to worse to “Oh. My. God.”

I’ve seen a ton of worse first-books out there, and not many better. If you’ve got a hankerin’ for a zombie-flavored character-driven story, or you really want something new and intriguing from the zombie genre, this book might just do the trick.

For everything it did right, for only a bit of confusion, and because it’s a creepy-and-fitting number, I give Wanderer:


13 Hearts




Wanderer by James Lincoln is available on Amazon in print & Kindle editions.


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book review, james lincoln, wanderer, zombies
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As an avid Jill-Of-All-Trades, I dabble in many things, but I've always been passionate about writing and photography. I read like a fiend, all sorts of genres and authors, and I hope someday to write my own novels. I've been taking pictures since I was little, and I strive to improve my skills everytime I pick up a camera. I love all kinds of movies, from those terrible-yet-hilarious B movies to the latest superhero blockbusters. I play video games, roleplaying games, even Magic: The Gathering (much to the chagrin of my wallet, at times), because I adore delving into these other, amazing, created worlds. Check out all my interests and projects, or get in touch with me, on my Facebook page at: Http://www.facebook.com/SamanthaCantrellAZ

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