“You’re Next” Movie Review

You-Are-Next-Wallpaper-01The horror genre is one of the most profitable genres in all of film. Many horror films have incredibly low budgets and are able to entice viewers to the theaters because people just want to be scared. Due to their micro-sized budgets, those films are able to turn a profit as soon as their first weekend of release. So if studios want to know that they are going to get their money back, more than likely they’ll green light a horror film. Some of these films are completely stale remakes of beloved horror films while others intend to re-invent the genre entirely. You’re Next is the new film by director Adam Wingard that aims to bring something new and fresh to the usually stale genre.

The Davison family is getting together for their parents’ 35th wedding anniversary. It’s been a long time since all of the kids have seen each other and some of their sibling rivalries still exist. The kids bring all of their significant others with them and try to introduce them to their less than enthusiastic parents. While sitting down to dinner one night, some of the siblings get in a heated quarrel and during it, one of the siblings’ boyfriends gets shot in the head by an arrow from outside. Arrows continue to fly through the windows as the family ducks for cover while trying to figure out who is shooting at them. Soon after, men in animal masks come into the house trying to kill anyone left alive.


You’re Next could have been the re-invention of the house invasion horror film but instead it falls flat in every way possible. Firstly, every single actor’s performance is way below sub-par. It felt to me as if they were reading off of a teleprompter because no feeling whatsoever was given to the dialogue that they were delivering. To top it off, all of their motivations throughout the film were just plain goofy. At a certain point, one of the women decides that it’s a good idea to run outside and get into the car even though all of the men that want to kill them are out there.

The entire plot and explanation for what’s really going on is so completely illogical and muddled that one character in the film actually explains it to another character so that the audience can understand it. Now he could have done it in more of a comical wink to the audience so that the situation comes across as funny, but instead it comes across as lazy script writing. My thought is that the director was attempting to make a horror film that was very tongue-in-cheek just like The Cabin the Woods or Evil Dead, but because everything is played so seriously, that never comes across in any instance.

The less I write about this film the better because I truly hated it that much. Even bad horror films have the “so bad it’s good” moments but this film is more of “so bad it’s bad” instead. I can’t find any redeeming element to recommend You’re Next but what I can say is that I sincerely hope that it’s not the next film you see.


Find Brian (Turbo) on Facebook.com/turbizl or Twitter @turbizl

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=ufUQWpEkbf0]

About the Movie

Synopsis: A family reunites for their parents anniversary and mysterious men try to hunt them down in their own house.

Director: Adam Wingard

Actors: Sharni Vinson, Nicholas Tucci, AJ Bowen, Joe Swanberg

Rated: R

Run time: 95 min


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Adam Wingard, horror, Nicholas Tucci, Sharni Vinson, You're Next

Just call me “Turbo” because it sums me up in a single word. I’m originally from Visalia, California but currently reside in Mesa, Arizona. I’m a movie and video game fanatic with a BA in Film and Media Production from ASU. I try to see every movie that I can (new and old) as well as play the latest video game releases. My goal in life would be to create a feature length film which viewers absolutely love. However, until then I love to entertain people with my 100+ voice impersonations as well as fill them in with the latest movie/ gaming news on Twitter. Facebook.com/turbizl, Twitter: @turbizl

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