Book Review: Dark Shadows: The Visual Companion by Mark Salisbury

book, dark shadows, mark salisbury, review, titan books, visual companion

Visual companions are often released to plug a movie.  They tend to be put together quickly with a bunch of quick screen-grabs and maybe some design sketches they had lying around.  You can usually tell they’re put together to stir up interest in a movie and squeeze a little more cash out of the film’s hype.

However, this one is a step up from most.

Instead of the usual thin commentary, this one goes in-depth into various elements of the film.  It talks about the history behind the film, the locations, the costumes, and much more.  It’s still a rather broad overview.  However, it does a great job of talking about the aesthetics and design elements, with much less emphasis on techie-issues.

Ultimately, this kind of book is meant for two people: people who loved the movie and film students.  If you loved this movie and want to know more, you’re set.  This has exactly the right amount of information for you.  There are great pictures (it is, after all, a visual companion), and the kind of behind-the-scenes info this kind of fan loves.

Now, if you’re a film student, you might find it a bit thin, but again, it’s much better than this kind of book often is.  It’s sparse on technical details, but if you’re looking into design elements, it, you’re set.  It talks about how the various designers thought through everything from the locations to the costumes.  You can glean  lot about design from this book.

book, dark shadows, mark salisbury, review, titan books, visual companion
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Robert is a science geek with a passion for science fiction. He has a BS in general biology and currently works in an occupational health lab at The University of Arizona. Additionally, Boumis has published three short stories, all science fiction, and does costuming in his spare time. His interests include classic science fiction novels, sci-fi films, filmmaking, UFOs, and video games. Follow his Facebook here:

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