3DG EPISODE 42: Guess Who’s 50?

Doctor Who is turning 50 this week, so the 3 Drunk Geeks sat down with Duncan Macleod and James Richardson, the lord-presidents of the...


They just recently announced the cancellation of their Kickstarter and will get it restarted after the holidays. Keep up to date with their...

3DG: The Hole of Dignity

In this jam-packed episode, The 3 Drunk Geeks are joined by their dear friends Alfred Trujillo and Cara Nicole (the one and only AZ...

Aspiring Authors: Thomas Williams

Welcome back for another segment of Aspiring Authors! This time around, I've had the pleasure to interview Thomas Williams, author of the seven-part Adventures...

Long Time Con-goer, First Time Cosplay

I don’t consider myself a cosplayer. I’m a chick who occasionally dresses up as Wonder Woman at comic conventions. The New 52 version, with kick...

Mark Ratliff’s Complex, Creative and Cool Pumpkin Carving

Pumpkin-carver extraordinaire Mark Ratliff upped his game when he tired of Halloween trick-or-treaters seeing his simple designs and lamenting: “I saw this pumpkin two...

Interviews: Troy Baker & Roger Craig Smith (Batman: Arkham Origins)

One of the most heart-wrenching moments of last month, was my realization that I would not be able to return to the place of...

Let’s All Really Pretend

Once upon a time there was a little boy who liked to play pretend. He and his friends would meet at the neighborhood park...

Interview: Kerry Shawcross & Miles Luna, Writers of RWBY

Earlier this year I had the pleasure of chatting with Kerry Shawcross and Miles Luna, writers of RWBY, about what was then an eagerly...

Rising Writers: R. M. Meluch

Recently, the Books section of GNN has begun a series-- well, not so much as a series but a short segment called the Rising...

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