
Comikaze Expo 2015 from a Cosplayer’s Perspective

  Every year, thousands and thousands of fans head to Stan Lee's Comikaze Expo for a plethora of reasons. No matter where you turn, you...
phoenix comicon fan fest 2015

Phoenix Comicon Fan Fest 2015 Music Video In this special music video, we take a look at Phoenix Comicon Fan Fest and its cosplayers. We ask cosplayers what they enjoy about...
Tracer cosplay

Featured Cosplayer | Stacey Roy

Welcome back to the Geek News Network’s Featured Cosplayer page! This is where we introduce you to cosplayers that you should know about. This week,...
Castle Corsetry

Castle Corsetry Fitness Line!

One of our favorite clothing designers has recently release her new gym clothing line! Castle Corsetry has released her new geek inspired fitness wear on November...

An interview with Metal Gear Solid composer Rika Muranaka

From electronic keyboards to composing for best-selling video games, Rika Muranaka has done quite a bit in her music career over the past few...

Featured Cosplayer | Lyz Brickley & Darshelle Stevens

Welcome back to the Geek News Network’s Featured Cosplayer page! This is where we introduce you to cosplayers that you should know about. This week,...

Monthly Maise: The Arkham Knight Harley Quinn Skirt

The Monthly Maise Tutorial: The Arkham Knight Harley Quinn Skirt Like a petulant cat coming out from their beloved hiding spot, I’ve finally decided to...

Why I Commission My Costumes

I’ve been a cosplayer and cosplaying since 2005. I remember my first time very well. I wore this terrible Itachi Uchiha outfit from Naruto....

The Cost of Custom Cosplay: Where Does the Money Go?

So you're interested in getting yourself a custom cosplay from a seamstress or costume maker, but the cost they quoted you had you mildly nauseous?

Do’s and Don’ts When Hiring a Seamstress

In this day and age cosplaying is becoming even more popular, and even more extravagant. Let’s say you see a costume you would love...

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