Motion Comics, A Brief Introduction.

​Somewhere between printed comics and limited animation lies a new breed of medium: the motion comic. With visual styling similar to an animatic, but...

Seasons Readings: What to Buy the Geeky Book Lover on Your Holiday Shopping List

`Tis the season to buy a book for that nerd or geek in your life! Let GNN help you pick the right one with this holiday gift guide!

Flash Gordon: The Tyrant of Mongo review

Titan Books invites you on a thrilling trip back to the Golden Age of science fiction with their new collection, "Flash Gordon: The Tyrant...

Batman #23.2: Riddler #1 Review

Batman #23.2: The Riddler #1 is positioned to have ties to two concurrent events in the DC New 52 right now—Forever Evil and Batman:...

Batman: The Court of Owls

Scott Snyder is easily one of my favorite writers right now. His work on American Vampire proved that he had the ability to breathe life...

Tucson Comic-Con: An Afternoon Not So Far, Far Away

It wasn't until I saw someone taking a picture with Han Solo that I knew I had arrived at Tucson Comic Con. After all,...

Dark Horse Comics | Sept 12th Releases

Joe Golem | Occult Detective #1 One thing to be said about Mike Mignola and Christopher Golden is that they never disappoint. The first issue...

Trinity War Redux: Chapter One – The Death Card

Geoff Johns is something of a planner. He wrote Green Lantern for nine years, and plot points found within the final issues were seeded back...

Interview with Armand Villavert, Jr.

Recently, I have had the pleasure of interviewing Armand Villavert, Jr., the artist and co-creator of a comic called Gladstone's School for World Conquerors,...

Comic Review: Captain Marvel Vol. 1

From her graphically pulsing tumblr to her relationship with a certain Hawkguy, Kelly Sue Deconnick has a finger on the comics scene with or...

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