Godzilla at 70: The Literary Roots of a Cinematic Icon
Celebrate Godzilla's 70th anniversary by exploring Shigeru Kayama’s original stories, revealing the allegorical origins of the beloved monster as a symbol of nuclear devastation.
“Justice League 3000 #1” Comic Review
Released in the throws of DC’s Forever Evil event where all the Justice League teams have been temporarily deposed, Justice League 3000 #1 is...
“Black Widow #1” Comic Review
The All-New Marvel NOW! initiative has arrived, and with it, Marvel is restarting most of its line of books to a more reader-appealing issue...
“Batman: Eternal #3” Comic Review
Batman: Eternal still has a lot of characters in play—too many if you ask me—but the third issue begins some semblance of purpose for...
X-Men Legacy #15 Review
X-Men Legacy amazes me each and every month by the sheer fact that it exists as a title on the Marvel line. Just comparing...
“Wanderer” novella Free on Kindle
If you have a Kindle and a hankering for a good, quick read then head on over to Amazon and download Wanderer by James...
Saga #14 Review
Consider the plot of Saga #14 ancillary--it’s just writer Brian K. Vaughan moving pieces around the board, getting characters where they need to be...