Phoenix Comicon Recap Part 2 of 2:  Panels, Panels, Panels, Crowds, Crowds, Crowds!

There were times during Phoenix Comicon 2014 that it was difficult to accept the fact that the convention was growing up right before me;...

Excitement, Entertainment, Excellence | An E3 Experience

This year I got to attend my first E3, and it was amazing! For those of you who have never heard of E3, let me explain...

Scottsdale’s Epic Superhero Battle

The forces of good and evil clashed in the streets of downtown Scottsdale, as an Epic Superhero Battle rocked the city. The brainchild of Improv...

“Made in Phoenix” Demo Night at Game CoLab

Hidden deep within the heart of downtown Phoenix lurks a cabal of mad thinkers, plotting to take over the world... of gaming. Their sinister...

A very “Grumpy” guest signing at local AZ bookstore…

Changing Hands Bookstore in Tempe Arizona recently had a very special guest signing at their store. A very Grumpy guest. You’re correct if you’re...

Little Canadian, Big Arizona: One Canadian’s experience at Phoenix Comicon

I recently came back from a trip to Phoenix, Arizona. Normally this probably wouldn't be my first destination choice for a vacation. Coming from...

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