Indie Review: Cube & Star: An Arbitrary Love

Cube & Star: An Arbitrary Love is a game about a cube on a quest to paint the world, I think. I'll be honest,...

The Wolf Among Us: Smoke & Mirrors (Review)

Two and half months. It was a two and a half month wait between episode one and two of Fables: The Wolf Among Us. Two...
I think someone left the oven on, the floor here seems to be melting. This was one of the more interesting of the final levels.

Indie Review: The Floor is Jelly by Ian Snyder

The Floor is Jelly is an artistic platformer with a unique twist; the floor is jelly. That may sound a bit obvious, but it's...
Gigantic Army by Astro Port

Indie Review: Gigantic Army by Astro Port

Gigantic Army is a side-scrolling run-and-gun shoot 'em up set in a science fiction alternate present with giant robotic mech suits. What's not to...
Death doesn't much care for your attempts to subvert his authority.

Indie Review: A Wizard’s Lizard by Lost Decade Games

A Wizard's Lizard is a rogue-like, inspired by The Legend of Zelda, Gauntlet, and The Binding of Isaac. You control the eponymous lizard through...

A Story with Two Tales: Broken Age Act 1 (Review)

3.3 million dollars and over 87 thousand backers; this is the legacy of Broken Age (formerly Double Fine Adventure), which started the entire Kickstarter...

A Hero Emerges From the Shadows: Killzone: Shadow Fall (Review)

First person shooters have been a popular choice for most gamers, from Call of Duty to the Battlefield series, gamers have been drawn into...

Rolling the Dice – It Begins!

Hello everyone! My name is Cat, and I’ve started this new blog of mine called Rolling the Dice, designed to help you all navigate...

Out of the Badger Hole with Shelter – Game Review

Wildlife has inspired many artists, from Van Gogh and his painting of Starry Night, to The Birth of Adam in the Sistine Chapel. We...

Geek News Network Gaming Awards Winners

Below are the winners of the 2nd Annual Geek News Network Gaming Awards! We had a lot of fun picking out winners, which you...

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