Featured Cosplayer: Shattered Stitch

Welcome back to our "Featured Cosplayer" section my friends! We have been on hiatus for a while but will be back on track featuring...

‘Universal Dead’ the Series – A new take on Zombies

Universal Dead starring DB Sweeny, Gary Graham and Doug Jones is a web series written by Kelly Parks (who is also one of the...

Featured Cosplayer | Lemon Bell Cosplay

Hello fellow Geeks! Been missing your dosage of amazing cosplay? Well, hold on tight because we're back with the gorgeous Lemon Bell Cosplay, who has...
John Moschitta Jr.

Catch up with Motor-Mouth Icon John Moschitta, Jr.

Micro Machines Man John Moschitta Jr. sits down with GNN to talk about his illustrious career as a fast-talking pop culture icon.

Featured Cosplayer | TheFinalEndeavour

Hello fellow Geeks! It's cosplay time! This week, we have another local Arizona cosplayer who has built up quite a reputation for his large...

Interview: Kerry Shawcross & Miles Luna, Writers of RWBY

Earlier this year I had the pleasure of chatting with Kerry Shawcross and Miles Luna, writers of RWBY, about what was then an eagerly...
phoenix comicon fan fest 2015

Phoenix Comicon Fan Fest 2015 Music Video

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYY2xyyqCzM In this special music video, we take a look at Phoenix Comicon Fan Fest and its cosplayers. We ask cosplayers what they enjoy about...

Vanguard the Web Series

  Vanguard - Middle English: vauntgard/Anglo-French: vantgarde; Date: 15th century; 1: the troops moving at the head of an army; 2: the forefront of an action...

Featured Cosplayer | FireofSeptember

Whenever we look at cosplayers, we are constantly amazed by their passion and drive when it comes to transforming themselves into their favorite characters....

A No-Strings-Attached Interview with “Weird Al” Yankovic (About His Upcoming Strings Attached Tour…and Other...

For over 30 years, “Weird Al” Yankovic has been entertaining fans with his parodies, original songs, polkas, and other forays into pop culture (including his 1989 cult classic movie, UHF and his CBS television show The Weird Al Show).

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