FINALLY, they’re here! The first pages of the book in a FREE sneak peek! We’re also gearing up to sell some advertising pages for the first print run which will debut at Scare-A-Cuse this September. That will be a 50 issue run or so, so prices will be very reasonable for this. Let me know if there’s any interest, even just to promote your blog!
Now, without further ado, meet Ms. Desiree Galen…. (The font is a little blurry as posted, but clicking on each page allows you to zoom on the picture to alleviate this).
By: Cynthi Marie

Please leave feedback!
Commenting below, or at the Facebook page is very helpful and uber appreciated!! Don’t believe me? Read this.
Jason Piraino, of Monstrosity Entertainment, brought this story to life with his amazing illustrations! I thank him for allowing me to bring this project to an audience! And keep an eye on Stealing Shade’s page at Indie Aisle where the e-version will be posted in August!
If you’re interested in a printed copy of the first complete issue, let me know, especially if you won’t be at Scare-A-Cuse this year. I don’t foresee shipping being an issue.
~Cynthi Marie
My first, and greatest love was always books, which turned into writing early on. Then came movies. Games didn’t enter my life until PS2 came out. I tend to stay away from games as they suck my world into oblivion. I stop sleeping. I stop paying attention to everything else when I get into them, though I break this for Mass Effect, Assassins Creed, Gears, and FF. Recently entering the amateur indie film scene, Stealing Shade Productions ( was born. I’m also working on a comic book ( and 2 novels. There are bets on whether these will get finished Find me on Facebook or check out my alter ego at