Fox Cracks Down on Jayne Hats


Firefly fans hold Fox in about as high esteem as Mal does the Alliance.  And Fox isn’t helping matters.

Earlier this week, BuzzFeed broke the story that 20th Century Fox was cracking down on Etsy sellers selling “Jayne hats.”  These are knitted hats like the one the character Jayne wore during an episode of the series. The media giant was sending out cease and desist orders to various individuals with storefronts on Etsy selling the handmade hats.

Today, iO9 reported that some sellers are fighting back.  Fox’s cease and desist order apparently had a gaping loophole.  They did not forbid the sale of “Jane Hats,” and several Etsy sellers have begun selling these.  On Esty seller, CraftOtaku has even written up a tongue-in-cheek, satirical backstory explaining the “Jane hats.”

Meanwhile, ThinkGeek, one of the retails selling the licensed version of the hats, has sworn that they have no part in Fox’s crackdown.  Think geek has promised to donate 100% of their profits from the sale of Jayne hats to Can’t Stop the Serenity, a charity inspired by the series.  Can’t Stop the Serenity raises money for charities supported by Joss Whedon, like Equality Now.


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20th century fox, Equality Now, Etsy, firefly, Fox, Jane Hats, Jayne Cobb, Jayne Hats, joss whedon, posts written while not wearing pants, serenity

Robert is a science geek with a passion for science fiction. He has a BS in general biology and currently works in an occupational health lab at The University of Arizona. Additionally, Boumis has published three short stories, all science fiction, and does costuming in his spare time. His interests include classic science fiction novels, sci-fi films, filmmaking, UFOs, and video games. Follow his Facebook here:

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