The Last Push – Movie Preview Trailer

The Last Push

The Last Push may be a sci-fi movie surrounded by the most epic background available – the endless star-studded sky of our universe.  It may be contained in a spaceship bound for an exploration of Jupiter’s moons, but at its heart it is a very human story of one man’s long isolation.

It not only has been picking up some impressive awards on the film festival circuit this year (2 Best Actor awards for star Khary Payton, Best Space Movie at the Boston SciFi Film Festival, Best Picture at IFS Film Festival) but also glowing reviews from film critics from Los Angeles to London.


The story is that astronauts Nathan Miller (James Madio) and Michael Forrest (Payton) have volunteered for a privately funded 13 year mission to explore whales discovered on the moon of Europa (Scifi movies never seem to tire of their fascination with Jupiter’s moons). For the first part of the voyage the men are supposed to be in 6 years of hibernation, then awaken for 1 year of drilling and submersible activities before returning home to Earth.

But as usual things don’t go quite as planned. Their ship, the Life One, is struck by a micro meteorite killing Miller and leaving Forrest awake and alone. By the looks of the trailer Payton has the difficult task of running what is in essence a one man show. Besides the brief appearance of Madio in the beginning the only interaction he has for the rest of the movie is through video feed from people back on earth.

Directed by Eric Hayden and starring Khary Payton, James Madio, Lance Henriksen and Brian Baumgartner the movie is not yet available in wide release.

To keep up to date with its progress and where it will be showing next (including Mexico and Israel in October) visit the official website and facebook:



adventure, Eric Hayden, Europa, exploration, isolation, James Madio, Jupiter, Khary Payton, Lance Henriksen, sci-fi, science fiction, space, spaceship, stars, The Last Push

Shannon is an independent Media Manager who specializes in web series and independent films. She has also been a Script Supervisor, on set Photographer, Editor’s Assistant, author for Web Series Today and is the proud owner of an IMDB credit as “painter”. An avid photographer and classic camera collector she often can be seen at events with her 1969 Polaroid Land Camera and quite possibly at least 3 other cameras in tow.

You can contact her at [email protected] and find her on Twitter @shannon_shea

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