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Lilith Faire

Lilith Faire
Gamer and comic book lover, I try to stay up to date with news for my loves. I love FPS as well as the Assassins Creed Series. I’m heavily into DC comics and love Catwoman, Nightwing, Batman, Harley and the Joker. I’m also a Raven cosplayer from Teen Titans and am working on my Harley and Nightwing costumes. I do love Marvel, and enjoy reading the NEW Captain Marvel comics. Aside from DC and Marvel though, I LOVE indie comics. I love finding the ones with strong female characters and so far I haven’t been let down. I’m also an avid book reviewer so I welcome any author that would like a book review . I also do game reviews, both video and board games. You can find me on Facebook (facebook.com/TheLilithFaire), Twitter (@LadyLilithFaire), http://lilithfaire.com/ as well as check out my blog http://thelilithfaire.wordpress.com/

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