GEEK MOM – Rock-A-Bums New 2.0 #RockItUp Giveaway

Rock-A-Bums isn’t your normal, every day cloth diaper. Yes, it will still do what cloth diapers are meant to do, but Rock-A-Bums is a...

GEEK MOM – Getting Started With Cloth Diapering

As a geek, a big part of my life revolves around not only loving geek culture, but spending a lot of money on it....

GEEK MOM – Geekiest Cloth Diapers

What will really kill any cloth diaper budget are super cute fluff designs. Once you have your stash all built up, staring at the...

Geek Baby Nursery Inspiration

One of the funniest parts about being a geek is all the cool swag and collecting of awesome items and gadgets. Pair this love...

Last Minute and Cheap DIY Gifts for your Valentine

Pop Quiz Hotshot; it's a few days before Valentines and you have less than fifteen dollars to last through week. You also have a...

5 Steps to Get Your Craft On

Every year I go through a hurricane of glitter and ribbon as I craft as many gifts for the holidays as I can. My...

Mark Ratliff’s Complex, Creative and Cool Pumpkin Carving

Pumpkin-carver extraordinaire Mark Ratliff upped his game when he tired of Halloween trick-or-treaters seeing his simple designs and lamenting: “I saw this pumpkin two...

Top Ten DIY Geek Craft Sites

With the fall weather comes cooler nights that awaken within me my crafting spirit. After all, Christmas is around the corner and each year...

DIY Steampunk Headband For $10

I'm always on the lookout for beautiful Steampunk inspired accessories. Sometimes the price for these accessories can be too much for my wallet. That's...

How to Make an Awesome [Steampunk] Costume on a Budget

I only recently started attending comic conventions, of course with the help of my wonderful editor/publisher Hong Le and GNN!  The first one I...

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