Top Ten DIY Geek Craft Sites

With the fall weather comes cooler nights that awaken within me my crafting spirit. After all, Christmas is around the corner and each year...

Interview: Drew Karpyshyn

For many years now I have been quite the fan of author Drew Karpyshyn, the man behind the first three Mass Effect novels (Revelation,...

Featured Cosplayer: Shattered Stitch

Welcome back to our "Featured Cosplayer" section my friends! We have been on hiatus for a while but will be back on track featuring...

DIY Steampunk Headband For $10

I'm always on the lookout for beautiful Steampunk inspired accessories. Sometimes the price for these accessories can be too much for my wallet. That's...

Men vs Cosplay 2014 Calendar Project

  Now this is a project any cosplay fan should support! Coming out just in time for the holiday season is a calendar showcasing the...

Interview – So Dreadfully Wrong, Yet So Dreadfully Right: The Dread Crew of Oddwood

A little while ago, I posted an article about my pirate pals in the Heavy Mahogany band The Dread Crew of Oddwood based out...

Completely Terrifying ‘The Last of Us’ Cosplay

I’m not going to lie, if I were to see this thing at a comic-con, I would quickly seek out a pipe, tape some...

Cosplay Calendar – BigChris Edition!

Remember that super hot, completely awesome made-by-the-AZ-cosplayers-themselves Cosplay Calendar from last year? They’re baaaaaaaaack! With a freaking sweet new business name, an expanded line-up of beautiful...

Featured Cosplayer: Leah Rose

One of our featured photographers, Eric Fiallos, had the wonderful opportunity to interview and do an exclusive photoshoot with Leah Rose while at Amazing...

Cosplay Beauty Tips

As we head into Con season preparing our one of a kind cosplay costumes, looking for impossibly amazing shoes that could never be comfortable...

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