They say it's better late then never.  Well folks, we have a super late Christmas Special! In this tardy episode of 3DG, James, Neil...

3DG EPISODE 42: Guess Who’s 50?

Doctor Who is turning 50 this week, so the 3 Drunk Geeks sat down with Duncan Macleod and James Richardson, the lord-presidents of the...

Star Wars Cosplayers Perform a New Take on Bohemian Rhapsody, Courtesy of UAT

UAT Digital Video (University of Advancing Technology) has brought students and cosplayers together to give fans a geeky take on Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody," the Star Wars...

3DG Episode 34: “Manfredo”

Hey there all you crafty nerds! Be sure and check out our newest episode of The 3 Drunk Geeks as we introduce a new...

10 Must Have Items for Attending Conventions

      So its summer time once again which means everyone is packing up and hitting the road for conventions across the country (and if you’re...

Inspired To Check Out The Medieval World For Yourself?

Dos and Don'ts for your First Renaissance Festival... So you’ve decided to attend your first Renaissance festival or faire! Congratulations! A “Renfaire” is about as...

Hasbro and Marvel Make Cosplay for Everyone

I was 14 when I first started cosplaying. Doing some math, that puts us in the year 2005. In 2005, at least in Phoenix, it...

[DIY] Breastfeeding Scarf

While pinning away DIY projects on Pinterest I came across a DIY Breastfeeding Scarf Tutorial and knew that I had to make it instead of purchasing...

“LANTERN CITY” Creators To Appear at Comic Con for the Release of the Illustrated...

LOS ANGELES – July 11, 2013 – The creators and writer of the developing Steampunk-themed television series, Lantern City and the soon-to-be-released illustrated novel...

Boston Metaphysical Society Webcomic, Kickstarter Campaign

Boston Metaphysical Society is a mouthful of a title for a Steampunk-inspired webcomic, but the hook is short and sweet: Think Victorian Ghostbusters. Madeleine...

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