How do you continue a successful franchise when its main star is too old and busted to continue (Mission: Impossible Ghost Protocol) or won’t...

In Production: Mantecoza Part 1

     It all began with a sword fight.  An epic battle between good and evil in an aspen forest.  And it ended with a...
Total Recall - What is real?

Review: Total Recall (2012)

"Is it real? Is it recall?" The tagline for the new Total Recall says it all, doesn't it. Are they really making a sequel to...

“THE WATCH” Review

So how does one review a comedy? Unless you’re reviewing a James L. Brooks movie there’s only one question to ask, is it funny?...


I would foremost like to express my condolences to all who were affected by the tragic shooting in Colorado. As a film goer and...

Prometheus: Stunning visuals, choppy story, inconsistent characters (Spoilers)

A lot of reviews have come out over this weekend on Prometheus, and I by no means think I’m bringing anything terribly unique to...

The Avengers: A Non Geek Perspective Review

Tempe, AZ - The Avengers! *gasp* oohs and awes and all that jazz, right? Well, seeing as I’m only a very recent comic book...

Rant about the Titans

  Is anyone else starting to have some beef with the Greek /slash/Roman mythology movies that have been coming out? Because, let me tell ya,...

The Hunger Games: A review by Stephanie Steele

My roommate and I have this wonderful past time of going to Barnes & Noble to work on homework or projects and, in general,...

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