The Mega Men Podcast #52: He’s On Fire!

Matt and Chris discuss the impossible "singles" bar scene, Space Jam 2, why Looney Tunes are awesome, why film and TV have switched power...

Another Case of Kickstarter Success: Game Developerz

For those among us who enjoy quirky card games and parody games revolving around the geek fantasy of developing games, Onion Squire is rolling...

The Mega Men Podcast #51: How The Mega Men Lost Their Virginity

Chris and Matt discuss the differences between Valentine's as an adult and as a child, how each lost their virginity, futuristic ping-pong mechs, Little...
Constant C by International Game Systems CO., LTD.

Indie Review: Constant C

Constant C is a puzzle platformer that uses time as a game mechanic. Much like the wildly successful puzzle platformer that messed around with...

Walmart Entering Used Game Industry

BENTONVILLE, Ark. – March 18, 2014 – Walmart is giving the more than 110 million gamers across the U.S. a new way to unlock value...

Titanfall: The Serenity of Man and Machine (Review)

Titanfall has been hyped up to be the greatest shooter of this generation, Game Informer praises it, "A next-generation competitive multiplayer title that blurs...

South Park: The Stick of Truth (Review)

Comedy is arguably one of the most difficult genres to write for, no matter what medium it's being created for. You've likely heard it...

Titanfall Deployed at the Microsoft Store

If there was one palpable feeling at the Titfanfall midnight launch event at the Microsoft Store in Scottsdale Monday night, it was eagerness....

Thief (Review)

The months since the launch of the Playstation 4 have been sparse as far as major releases, and Eidos Montreals' Thief seemed a promise...
Watch Dogs Logo

Prepare for Watch_Dogs on May 27th

As we all know, Watch_Dogs was originally supposed to launch during the holidays in 2013. Then there came the heartbreaking announcement that Ubisoft would...

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