Transworld: A Mecca for the Scared Geek

Most who walk into our living room, look around with a sort-of awed reserve. Jason Vorhees is the main theme, with other horror movie stuff taking...

Best Comic Book Covers Ever (This Week) – 03/27/13

Hello Comic Book Fandom! Every Wednesday, the comic book gods (aka Diamond Comic Distributors, Inc.) deliver comic books to local comic book shops everywhere. So,...

“Room 237” Movie Review

The Shining has always been one of the few movies that have legitimately scared me. Sure, I’ll jump during scary moments in movies, but...

Sam Raimi talks about the new “Evil Dead”

Sam Raimi recently did an interview about the new Evil Dead in which he talks about why he wanted to remake the original, his...

Melissa McCarthy to recieve CinemaCon Female Star of the Year Award

WASHINGTON D.C. – Oscar®-nominated Melissa McCarthy will receive the “CinemaCon® Female Star of the Year Award” at this year’s CinemaCon, that was announced today...

‘Injustice: Gods Among Us’ Battle Arena Semi-final Winners

"Injustice: Gods Among Us" semi final winners were announced today and we kind of knew who was going to win, but its still cool...

“Wrong” Movie Review

What could be scarier than a tire with a murderous blood lust? Nothing. At least that’s what director Quentin Dupieux thought back in 2010...

Destiny Character Development Trailer (GDC 2013)

Earlier today at GDC 2013 Bungie unveiled a new trailer for the upcoming Destiny. The trailer covers a combination of concept and model...

‘Injustice: Gods Among Us’ Demo Officially Announced

Excited for NetherRealm Studios "Injustice: Gods Among Us"? Well, today they announced the demo will be available to download on April 2nd for XBOX 360 and...

Top 11 Other Shows to Kickstart

Cult classic TV show Veronica Mars recently got an extension on life when it successfully used Kickstarter to fund a motion picture sequel. This...

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