Top 11 Cryptic Movie Spoilers


I was having a bad day when I wrote this, so I decided to spoil a bunch of movies for everyone. Then, I felt better, so I removed all of the movie titles, so you won’t know what I’m spoiling.


The List:

11. Indy gets his hat back

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10. Jar-Jar doesn’t die, comes back to stink up the next two movies

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9. The time stream is damaged so much that hover boards never get invented

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8. Batman gets some

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7. Luke’s father is a dark lord of the Sith, and his mother is the Black Swan

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6. Wash won’t be back for the sequel.  Also, there probably won’t be a sequel

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5. At the end, there IS only one

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4. Voldemort dies before being reunited with his nose

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3. Frodo will never bowl again

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2. It turns out, you CAN cross the streams

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cryptic, movies, negativsteve, spoilers, Top 11


Follow more of NegativSteve’s rants on Aquaman on his Tumblr: Steve Hates Aquaman.


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