Featured Cosplayer | Krash Cosplay

Hello fellow Geeks! It's cosplay time! This week we're featuring the beautiful Krash Cosplay, who comes to us from the surprisingly lively desert known...
Tracer cosplay

Featured Cosplayer | Stacey Roy

Welcome back to the Geek News Network’s Featured Cosplayer page! This is where we introduce you to cosplayers that you should know about. This week,...

Featured Cosplayer | Trickster Redux

Hello fellow Geeks! Who here missed seeing their favorite cosplayers and reading about their epic journies? Well, we're back with your weekly dose of Featured...

Cosplay Calendar – BigChris Edition!

Remember that super hot, completely awesome made-by-the-AZ-cosplayers-themselves Cosplay Calendar from last year? They’re baaaaaaaaack! With a freaking sweet new business name, an expanded line-up of beautiful...

Phoenix Comicon 2017 | COSPLAY TIME

Hello, fellow Geeks! It’s that time of the year again… Phoenix Comicon is right around the corner! You know what that means – it’s...

6 Months of Baby Cosplay

I have a hard time believing that I have been a mom for six months. It seems like forever and hardly at all at...

Anime Conji 2019 | Photo Gallery

Check out our photo gallery from Anime Conji 2019! Photos published with permission from Shaka Pics. All rights reserved.

Featured Cosplayer | Lemon Bell Cosplay

Hello fellow Geeks! Been missing your dosage of amazing cosplay? Well, hold on tight because we're back with the gorgeous Lemon Bell Cosplay, who has...

Cosplay Beauty Tips

As we head into Con season preparing our one of a kind cosplay costumes, looking for impossibly amazing shoes that could never be comfortable...

Hasbro and Marvel Make Cosplay for Everyone

I was 14 when I first started cosplaying. Doing some math, that puts us in the year 2005. In 2005, at least in Phoenix, it...

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