How to Make an Awesome [Steampunk] Costume on a Budget

I only recently started attending comic conventions, of course with the help of my wonderful editor/publisher Hong Le and GNN!  The first one I...

Featured Cosplayer: Katybear

We apologize for the delay on the featured cosplayer for the month of January. But without further ado, it is Arizona's very own, Katybear! Check...

Featured Cosplayer: Rosanna Rocha

  Check out this exclusive photoshoot and interview by our photographer Eric Fiallos with Arizona cosplayer extraordinaire, Rosanna Rocha! You can see the full gallery...

First Person Crafting: Ghost Mask (COD)

The skull ski-mask is showing up everywhere in first person shooters.  It's probably best known (cue flame war now...) from the character of Ghost,...

Getting Started With Pixel Art – 3 Fun DIY Projects

                 When people hear the word pixel art, they probably imagine the graphics from the 8-bit and 16-bit video games of yesteryear. Today, while...

Steampunk Masquerade Ball gears up for WWWC2

Tempe, AZ – It was a great success at the Arizona Steampunk Society’s first ever Steampunk Masquerade Ball on Saturday, November 3, 2012. Over...

Got Kids?!? Entertain with DIY Halloween Shoebox Theater

Here's an easy project using your kids' favorite Halloween story. Collect the following materials: a fold out shoebox pencils some tape or glue scrap paper/magazines/newspapers and a dash of...

A Review of Stan Lee’s Comikaze Expo 2012

Los Angeles, CA - The weekend of September 15th /16th brought out some of the hottest temperatures SoCal has experienced this year and it...

Exclusive Lady Death Photos with Toni Darling!!

Toni Darling will be covering Comikaze Expo for Geek News Network this weekend with the Sabal brothers of Abnormal Entertainment. So make sure to...

Inspired To Check Out The Medieval World For Yourself?

Dos and Don'ts for your First Renaissance Festival... So you’ve decided to attend your first Renaissance festival or faire! Congratulations! A “Renfaire” is about as...

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