Got Kids?!? Entertain with DIY Halloween Shoebox Theater

crafts, diy, halloween, kids

Here’s an easy project using your kids’ favorite Halloween story. Collect the following materials:

  • a fold out shoebox
  • pencils
  • some tape or glue
  • scrap paper/magazines/newspapers
  • and a dash of creativity.

First, gather your materials (listed above). You’ll also need scissors (a little glitter wouldn’t hurt either).

  1. Decorate the interior and exterior of your box with scrapbook paper, magazines, newspaper, or even a paper bag.
  2. Make a long slit (straight or zig zag) on the top side of the box.
  3. Draw major characters and tape/glue onto pencils.
  4. Use battery-powered candles for mood lighting at the front of the fold out ‘stage’.

Invite family and friends over and have your kids perform their favorite story by moving/spinning the pencils.
When the show is over, put all your pencils and the book, back in the box until next season!

crafts, diy, halloween, kids

Geek? Nerd? Rock Star Mom? I’m not really sure which title fits me best. I’m an artist and poet. I have two blogs. I don’t read comic books. I have a good eye for composition. I know some artists that will be famous one day. My oldest son (Big Chris) is an amazing artist! My youngest son is a Punk Rock Star (Jeremy Wood, bassist for Authority Zero). I am very social and I like to interview cool people, so I write a few stories for GNN. Who wouldn’t want to be included with such a cool/geeky/nerdy group of people, right? Judy Wood, poet, artist, writer for GNN.

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