Another Fight Is Coming Your Way… Eventually | Street Fighter V Review

If Street Fighter V posted on Facebook, its relationship status would be “It’s Complicated”. On the one hand, it’s a top-tier fighting game that’s...

GODS OF EGYPT | Movie Review

The movie making process can be long and sometimes arduous. There are a good number of movie executives who simply don’t know what...

EDDIE THE EAGLE | Movie Review

If you haven't seen Cool Runnings, you are missing out on one of the best underdog films.  A Jamaican bobsled team competing in the...
triple 9

TRIPLE 9 | Movie Review

A heist movie has a lot of things going for it.  It has an interesting team of experts, a plan so meticulous that it...

RACE | Movie Review

Biopics seem to be a dime a dozen these days. Over the past few years there have been a number of films that attempt...

THE WITCH | Movie Review

The film industry has capitalized off urban legends, myths, and ghost stories for decades, particularly those that are set in America.  If there is...
zoolander 2

ZOOLANDER 2 | Movie Review

Ben Stiller has always been one of my favorite actors. The first role that I can remember seeing him play would be that of...

DEADPOOL | Movie Review

Superhero movies are a dime a dozen these days. In the coming years Marvel will ramp up to three (and eventually four) movies per...
hail, caesar!

HAIL, CAESAR! | Movie Review

The Coen Brothers have a talent for creating strange, yet familiar worlds.  They are often built around characters with personalities just east of normal,...
the choice

THE CHOICE | Movie Review

Another year gone by and another Nicholas Sparks adaptation has made its way to the big screen.  Has this great author and philosopher summoned...

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