A look at Mad Monster Phoenix 2014

Mad Monster Phoenix is a horror, sci-fi and fantasy themed convention bringing together top genre celebrities for fans to meet and buy autographs, attend...
Wild Wild West Con 2016

A look at WILD WILD WEST CON 2016

Photos taken at Wild Wild West Con 2016 by: Ben Ammon  David Johnson All rights reserved. For more on Wild Wild West Con 2016, check out our full...

Altered Carbon | Red Carpet Premiere

ALTERED CARBON is set in a future where consciousness is digitized and stored in cortical stacks implanted in the spine, allowing humans to survive...
anime los angeles 2019

Anime Los Angeles 2019 | Photo Gallery

Check out our photo gallery from Holiday Matsuri 2018! Photos published with permission by Deegan Marie Photography. All rights reserved.


Photos taken at Wild Wild West Con 2017 by: David Johnson and Ben Ammon All rights reserved. Please visit our Flickr page for more photos of events we...

Anime Conji 2019 | Photo Gallery

Check out our photo gallery from Anime Conji 2019! Photos published with permission from Shaka Pics. All rights reserved.

Wild Wild West Con 2019 | Photo Gallery

Check out our photo gallery from Wild Wild West Con 2019! Published with permission from Ben J Ammon Photography. All rights reserved.

A look at Anime Conji 2019

Anime Conji 2019 made a wonderful return after a two-year hiatus at the Mission Valley Marriott in San Diego, California.

Review: Nekocon 20, 2017. Hampton Roads, VA.

Nekocon is an Anime con that celebrated its twentieth year this past weekend, November 3-5, 2017.  Pre-Con estimates hovered near 5000 attendees, and the...
emerald city comic con 2019

Emerald City Comic Con 2019 | Recap

Emerald City Comic-Con or ECCC is a convention held in the beautiful city of Seattle every March. It’s a comic convention I truly believe every con enthusiast and casual con goer should attend at least once. Here’s why!

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