World Cosplay Summit 2017 | World Cosplay Championship 2nd Stage

Every year, cosplayers from multiple countries compete to become the top representatives of their country, getting to travel to and compete in the World...

International Day at CinemaCon 2016

Day One of CinemaCon 2016 was off to a bang as they kicked off their the day with their International presentations and awards ceremony. During...

A look at COMIKAZE EXPO 2015

Photos taken at Comikaze Expo 2015 by: ModelMosa  All rights reserved. For more on Comikaze Expo 2015, check out our full review HERE. Please visit our Flickr page for more photos of events...

Denver Comic Con 2013: Day 3 Recap

At last, the final day of Denver Comic Con 2013! It was a great weekend and I can’t think of a better way to...
rose city comic con

Rose City Comic Con 2018 | Photo Gallery

Check out our photos from Rose City Comic Con 2018! Published with permission from Ben J Ammon Photography and Jeremy Running Photography.

3DG @ “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: On the Green Carpet”

Recently, The 3 Drunk Geeks had the chance to hang out at the "On the Green Carpet" event (A series of special screenings of...

A Look at AZ Women’s Expo 2013

Phoenix Women’s Expo 2013 was a, well…. interesting event. I hate to say it, I really do, but I walked in with the high hopes...

A look at TAIYOU CON 2015

Photos taken at Taiyou Con 2015, by  Ben Stadler-Ammon , Fox Williamson  and Hong Le. All rights reserved.  Please visit our Flickr page for more photos of events we cover! Click...

Transworld: A Mecca for the Scared Geek

Most who walk into our living room, look around with a sort-of awed reserve. Jason Vorhees is the main theme, with other horror movie stuff taking...

Wild Wild West Convention 2013: Day Three

  My final day at the Wild Wild West Steampunk Convention started when I was steered into Rosa’s Cantina for a round of tea duelling...

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