“Monsters University” Movie Review

In 1995, Pixar released the first full length 3D animated movie Toy Story. My 10-year-old self sat in that theater entertained by the world...

“Man of Steel” Movie Review

Look, a bird. No, it’s a plane. I’m sorry, did you just confuse a bird with a plane? Man of Steel will not be...

“This Is the End” Movie Review

Zombies. Outbreak. Umbrella Corporation. Tiny robot bogs that suck up all the electricity. We are in no short supply of apocalyptic scenarios in Hollywood,...


The third feature from actor-director Sarah Polley. This documentary focuses on Polley’s own family, more directly at her deceased Mother, Diane, who died when...

The Rains of Castamere: Game of Thrones Review

**Warning: Full spoilers for the episode follow** This is it. This is the one we've all been waiting for. Book readers knew what was coming...

“Now You See Me” Movie Review

The dictionary defines magic as “the art of producing illusions as entertainment by the use of sleight of hand, deceptive devices, etc.” Illusions can...

“After Earth” Movie Review

And the latest Will Smith movie brings with it an overwhelming sense of "...that's it?" An opening voice-over by Little-Smith sets the scene of After...

“Epic” Movie Review

  When you were young, did you ever imagine a world of tiny creatures hidden everywhere around you? If not, does that idea sound kinda...

“Fast & Furious 6” Movie Review

The entirety of The Fast & the Furious franchise is something that I have a great fondness for. The first film in the series...

“The Iceman” Movie Review

  Ever since I saw the 2004 Michael Mann film Collateral, I have been fascinated with the contract killer way of life. It’s definitely not...

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