ford v ferrari

Ford v Ferrari | Great Acting, Poor Pacing

The dialogue of Ford v Ferrari is sharp and witty, especially when Miles is delivering jabs at whichever poor soul has sparked his irk that day, but it’s just missing that one piece that could push it over the edge.
de palma movie review

DE PALMA | Movie Review

I have a deep respect and admiration for filmmakers that started their professional careers in the 1970's.  Maybe it was the era of the...

“X-Men #6” Comic Review

Just when I thought the X-Men “Battle of the Atom” event was reaching stagnancy, here comes Brian Wood’s X-Men #6 to send the crossover...

THE GALLOWS | Movie Review

If it ever seems like we've seen the last of the found footage genre, there is always someone out there who thinks they've got...

Uncovered: Final Fantasy XV Recap

Last night Square Enix held an event in Los Angeles with the sole purpose of "uncovering" Final Fantasy XV. The event was hosted by...

The Promise | Movie Review

War never really has a happy ending, even in Hollywood.  No matter the outcome, even though the “good guys” win, there is always a...

“Batman #24” Comic Review

The first thing to notice about Batman #24 is its inflated price point and yes, it’s absolutely worth it. Batman is the most consistent...

“The Big Wedding” Movie Review

First and foremost: Guys, this IS NOT your average chick flick!! Secondly: This film is rated "R", so DO NOT TAKE CHILDREN TO THIS FILM. Still...

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 | Movie Review

If Marvel Studios were to make one thing their grand achievement in filmmaking, it's creating a cinematic universe that has, so far, gone unmatched...

“IF I STAY” Movie Review

The film adaptations of popular novels can be hit or miss.  The page to screen treatment can be too complicated and confuse the audience...

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