House Of HaHa: IT’S A TRAP!

  About House of HaHa: Inside jokes that you wear on the outside! Graphic designed T-shirts & apparel made for geeks and beyond. The Mission: At  House of HaHa it's...

Amazing AZ Comic Con Wrap-Up

Sadly, Amazing AZ Comic Con is now over; we must say goodbye to all the superheroes and stormtroopers and return to real life.  (Unless...

Lucasfilm Makes It Official! J.J. Abrams To Direct Star Wars!

STAR WARS IS BEING KICK-STARTED WITH DYNAMITE J.J. ABRAMS TO DIRECT STAR WARS: EPISODE VII After a bevy of emails and phone calls, the formalities...

Amazing Arizona Comic Con, Day 1

  Phoenix, AZ - The AZ comic book convention season has officially kicked off with the first day of Amazing Arizona Comic Con.  Now in...


It’s every parent’s worst nightmare to learn that their child has died. I see it way too much at my day job and have...

Best Comic Book Covers for the Week of: 01/23/2013

Hello Comic Book Fandom! Every Wednesday, the comic book gods (aka Diamond Comic Distributors, Inc.) deliver comic books to local comic book shops everywhere. So,...

The Walking Dead Season 3 Trailer

  The second half of The Walking Dead's third season returns on February 10th and AMC's has release a brand new trailer "Lead Me Home" for...

The Aylesford Skull: Early Character Notes

A Note from the Author: The following is a random collection of working notes taken from scores of pages of such notes that I wrote...

10 Comic Books Worth Checking Out This Week (01/23/2013)

Hello Comic Book Fandom! Each week Marvel Comics, DC Comics, Image Comics, Dark Horse Comics, IDW Publishing, BOOM! Studios, and others release comic books every...

Top 11 Oscar Snubs

  Now that Christmas and New Years are over, it’s time for Award Show Snub Season!  Here are my eleven noticeable omissions from the Oscar nominations...   11. Chris...

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