Reading Rainbow Needs Your Help!

“Butterfly in the sky…” Don’t deny it, you know what comes next. In fact, every person over the age of 10 knows what...

[DIY] Breastfeeding Scarf

While pinning away DIY projects on Pinterest I came across a DIY Breastfeeding Scarf Tutorial and knew that I had to make it instead of purchasing...

Geeky Infant Photography

Babies are cute, we all know this. However, only a truly geeky parent really knows how to not only make cute babies, but that...

GEEK MOM – Review: The Baby Owner’s Manual

The only parenting book you will ever need! The Internet freaks me out! Don’t get me wrong; I love being able to find any piece...

GEEK MOM – Rock-A-Bums New 2.0 #RockItUp Giveaway

Rock-A-Bums isn’t your normal, every day cloth diaper. Yes, it will still do what cloth diapers are meant to do, but Rock-A-Bums is a...

GEEK MOM – Getting Started With Cloth Diapering

As a geek, a big part of my life revolves around not only loving geek culture, but spending a lot of money on it....

GEEK MOM – Geekiest Cloth Diapers

What will really kill any cloth diaper budget are super cute fluff designs. Once you have your stash all built up, staring at the...

Geek Mom (To-Be)

First comes love of Star Wars, the comes Mario Kart Marriage, then comes Geek baby. After years of geek love with the man that makes...

Geek Baby Nursery Inspiration

One of the funniest parts about being a geek is all the cool swag and collecting of awesome items and gadgets. Pair this love...

Getting Lucky With

There is nothing this girl loves more than a great shirt, especially one that is comfy, colorful and geeky. let us start St. Patrick's...

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