Red Cross Releases Hurricane App

american red cross, app, google play, itunes, smart phone

american red cross, app, google play, itunes, smart phoneThe American Red Cross has released an app to help protect you in the event of a hurricane.

A smart phone can be an extremely useful tool in the event of a natural disaster (provided AT&T isn’t throttling your data speed).  The new Red Cross hurricane app turns your smart phone into an effective disaster-survival tool.

The app has quite a few useful features including:

  • An “I’m safe” button that allows you to broadcast reassurances to your loved ones through social media
  • Personalized weather reports for both yourself and those you care about
  • Maps to Red Cross shelters in your area
  • Phone-based tools like flashlights and signaling tools like strobes and alarm klaxons

You can download the free app through iTunes or Google Play.

Additionally, the Red Cross has an entire page of free disaster-preparedness apps.  While Hurricane Sandy is on all of our minds right now, it’s usually a great idea to start preparing before a disaster.  Similar apps include:


american red cross, app, google play, itunes, smart phone
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Robert is a science geek with a passion for science fiction. He has a BS in general biology and currently works in an occupational health lab at The University of Arizona. Additionally, Boumis has published three short stories, all science fiction, and does costuming in his spare time. His interests include classic science fiction novels, sci-fi films, filmmaking, UFOs, and video games. Follow his Facebook here:

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