Originally posted on My Mom's Geeky So, we can all agree that germs are bad and without fail when you go to the grocery store...

26 Captain America Crafts

Veteran's Day is a special day to me. My husband is currently active military and my dad was a Marine for 10 years. It...

Crafters Corner: Very Awesome Girls of Phoenix

Some days, its hard being a geek and girly crafter. Your parents are confused by the Portal box you made. Your grandma is puzzled by...

Too Hot to Craft – 5 D.I.Y. Ways to Keep Cool

Well its summer and I'm in Phoenix. So stepping outside right now is like stepping onto the surface of the sun. Its times like...

Sol Black – Advice for Budget Cosplaying

Phoenix Comicon recently passed us by, leaving all of us cosplayers with ideas and anxiousness for another year. Several other cities are getting ready to...

Geek Mom: DIY No-Sew Baby Vest

I am the only one of my close friends that had a baby boy and I really wanted to make him some geek approved...

Crafters Corner: Interview with Steam Crow Part 2

And now for the 2nd installment of my interview with Steam Crow. If you haven't heard of them, you will soon. They've been featured...

Crafters Corner: Interview with Steam Crow Part 1

It's Crafters Corner Time! Welcome to a new series of articles where I interview local crafters and dish on the crafts they love to create....

DIY Harry Potter Themed Light Switches

I know I have featured these light switches in a  previous article but I have had a lot of people ask me how I...

[DIY] Breastfeeding Scarf

While pinning away DIY projects on Pinterest I came across a DIY Breastfeeding Scarf Tutorial and knew that I had to make it instead of purchasing...

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